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Posted: Wed, 01 Jul 2009 , 11:43
Un per neser them:
1-3. Kualifikoheni qe atje! Suksese!!!


Posted: Wed, 01 Jul 2009 , 12:13
by vllaznia1919
Te lumte goja naqe.Por un e shof te veshtire me kyt ekip qe kena.


Posted: Wed, 01 Jul 2009 , 16:52
by shv13
sligo asht edhe n veshtiresi ekonomike po gjithsesi dru se ta po futen me mendje t madhe.Ba me lujte si dina na tham se i eliminojme edhe pa shume vshtiresi sa luhet ndeshja?


Posted: Thu, 02 Jul 2009 , 13:59
by Man in Redblue
REINIS wrote:Un per neser them:
1-3. Kualifikoheni qe atje! Suksese!!!

Te lumte goja Reinis! Suksese sa ma shume edhe Tiranes e Flamurtarit. (Dinamos nuk i uroj suksese, se eshte si ti urosh suksese Bwinn )


Posted: Thu, 02 Jul 2009 , 14:01
by Miri
Nuk kena asnje shpres per transmetim televiziv te pakten nga stacionet Shqiptare nuk ka.


Posted: Thu, 02 Jul 2009 , 19:49
by Admin
Ishalla na nderojne sonte :)

Hajdeni ne chat qe te flasim per ndeshjen.


Posted: Thu, 02 Jul 2009 , 20:43
by Admin
Vllaznia e ka fillu ndeshjen me kta lojtare:

# 1 Grima
# 2 Smajlaj
# 3 Mrvaljevi?
# 5 Osja
# 7 Shtubina
# 8 Belisha
# 9 Sinani
# 10 Kasapi
# 17 Hallaçi
# 18 Beqiri
# 20 Nallbani

Minuta e 40, ndeshja asht 0-0.


Posted: Thu, 02 Jul 2009 , 20:50
by Admin
Mbaroj pjesa e pare me rezultatin 0-0.


Posted: Thu, 02 Jul 2009 , 21:09
by Admin
Ka fillu pjesa e dyte.
Vllaznia nuk ka ba asnji ndrrim.


Posted: Thu, 02 Jul 2009 , 21:31
by Miri
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool 0-1 Smajli


Posted: Thu, 02 Jul 2009 , 21:36
by Miri
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool 0-2 auto gol min 75`


Posted: Thu, 02 Jul 2009 , 21:45
by Miri
Sligo humbet penallti ne min 82`


Posted: Thu, 02 Jul 2009 , 21:51
by Miri
Grima ndeshkohet me karton te kuq.Sligo ngushton rrezultatin ne 1-2.


Posted: Thu, 02 Jul 2009 , 21:57
by Miri
Perfundoj ndeshja Sligo 1-2 Vllaznia.
Urime te gjitheve per fitoren e arritur ne Irlande.


Posted: Thu, 02 Jul 2009 , 22:00
by Edmond-Cela
urime urime per fitoren ishalla me nje kualifikim ne shkoder


Posted: Thu, 02 Jul 2009 , 22:07
by sportist_shkodran
Brravo ju qoft,ja asht ekip i mir ja asht i keq,Kja quhet fitore,dhe fitorja ka vlera sido qe te jet.Te bahen
gadi per RRapidin tash.
Urime djema.


Posted: Thu, 02 Jul 2009 , 22:35
by dorku
bravo vllaznia edhe suksese ne neshjen e ardhshme


Posted: Thu, 02 Jul 2009 , 22:39
by Ujku
Rezultat fantastik per ne pra kualifikim i sigurt,neshjen se kam pa
po sido qoft rezultati me ban me u gzu
tesh me Rapidin shifet vllaznia dhe gjendja e saj.


Posted: Thu, 02 Jul 2009 , 23:28
by shv13
urime per fitoren, sa hina itesh ne internet ekur pashe rezultatin hapa edhe nji sit tjeter se s mu besote.Kualifikimi nuk duhet te jete ne diskutim me kyt rezultat.
Mirboll qe ju realizu andrra edhe goldianit.. :lol: :lol:
Do ta kallim ernst happelin :twisted: :twisted:


Posted: Thu, 02 Jul 2009 , 23:36
by HakanYakin99
Lexoni kete :lol:
It was embarassing and gutting to watch.

After 5 mins i sent one of the lads a text 'these are ****e' and nothing that happened over the next 85 changed that in my mind

I have rarely seen a game played at such a painfully slow pace. It was our job and the onus was on us as the home team to set the pace, as all home teams do, especially in Europe. We looked at them and looked at them, yet never picked it up and played into their strenghts.

They were so poor on the ball, couldnt put 2 paces together, their sole striker is **** and have nothing backing him up.
Had we full backs that liked getting forward we would have had more joy, there was never any need to have 4 sitting at the back, which became more apparent as the game went on.

You make your own luck in most cases, we werent qucik enough nor did we inject any pace into attacks. Too many high balls, mean Raf and Boco never got going from the off with any supply, no cutting edge in the middle.

Ryan was completely shown up, not on that level or near it. If he is there to pass the ball side to side, over 5 yards then he played well, if he is meant to be creative or inventive then forget about it. O'Grady usually gives you workrate, which every team needs, but tonight he didnt shine. It wasnt his kind of game, we had so much of the ball and did so little with it.
Ryans duty, to my knowledge is to add the spark to the attacks, not just spray a ball 5 -10 yards and pass the responsibility to Morrison.

I felt sorry for Morrison, things didnt always come off, but he kept going, put in some nice balss, some bad ones too mind you, but wanted the ball and was unlucky to not have a few assists as they are called (Boco hitting the bar)

Cash wasnt in the game, the less said about him the better.

Ventre doesnt know what to do when on the ball, his passing was so poor, while his heart is big, you cannot just overlook his passing.

Unfortunally Raf and Boco for many reasons didnt get or make the breaks.

As far as the goals are concerned, Holmes definately doesnt need telling that he could have stopped that first one from happening in the centre circle...O'Grady could touch the lad, who got by him and Holmes was soft as he avoided the issue, defence too far back and a great strike...

Second goal was terrible to give away. Keanes night was horrible for him id say.

And then, after saying it for 88 minutes, that all we needed to beat what are a seriously poor team was urgency, we up it, score and should have got a draw when Boco somehow missed that one.

Id still have hope as they are muck, id give no credit to them as a footballing team. We cant perform as badly again in my opinion, it wasn't what the fans deserved, and luck is a small part of it, but you make your own luck.

It was a game we could have won 3-0 and somehow lost 2-1

Sikur eshte bere Sligo skuadre e madhe haahahahahah!